
The Rudra Center for
Enlightened Awareness

A place where spirit takes up residence and transforms all pain and suffering.

The Rudra Center for Enlightened Awareness is an assemblage that provides impactful Spiritual experiences for individuals seeking to find a higher meaning and purpose to their lives. It provides a nourishing environment for the journey towards profound physical and spiritual well-being. Its vision is to serve the community by providing innovative tools of Self-knowledge for effective and dynamic living expression. Offering, under one roof, a variety of spiritually focused programs to aid in the exploration of each individual’s full potential.

From ancient times the cultures of the world have turned to the transformational and healing effects of art, purification, self-knowledge and spiritual practices in the search for health, hope, happiness, and harmony.

Upholding that tradition, Rudra Center is pleased to stimulate more choices as to how one experiences themselves as a Vibrational Being and to make contact with Spirit through various programs that work – Rudra Meditation, Tai Chi & Qi Gong, NLP Training, Contemporary Shamanism, Self-Knowledge Classes, Spiritual Psychology, Shadow Mountain Yoga, Spiritual Clearance/ Purification, and The Way of the Disentangled Adventurer.

The experience of celebration and expansion at the Rudra Center is enhanced through the adornment of the space with sacred art in the form of sculpture, visionary painting, and architectural elements, evoking the magnificence of Spirit.

  • Rudra Med
  • SD 2018 webiste
  • Stupa
  • PujaDevotional
  • Classroom
  • BTL
  • NLPTraining
  • ShadowMountainYogaPrograms
  • sweat-lodge-updated
Our Classes

Rudra Meditation

Blue Thunder Lodge

The Way of the Disentangled Adventurer

Qi Gong

Kung Fu

NLP Training


Tai Chi

Donate Click below to donate to Rudra Center's new building project. In Gratitude...

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